Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the people you meet

While I was at work today, facebooking during my lunch hour, one of my
friends from Argentina instant messaged me. Hearing from him instantly
brightened up what would have been another monotonous day at work. It's
funny how someone I barely know can make me feel so much happier. He
reminded me of my exciting experiences abroad and how much I love
speaking Spanish. One of my favorite parts about the Spanish language is
that everyone gives hundreds of besos or kisses. It reminds me how
wonderful friendships can be and how fundamental relationships are to
our well-being. While the places I went were breathtaking, the people I
met were just as memorable because, for me, the people I meet usually
shape my experiences. Peru is the country that I liked the most because
there I met and lived with my wonderful host family. And the 10 hour bus
trip to Lake Titticacca was anything but dreadful because I sat with my
friends in the back of the bus, where we made fools of ourselves while
playing asshole. Argentina was an upbeat and unpredictable adventure
that included lots of food, as always when I am with my boyfriend, Mr.

While I know my insight does not compare to the profoundness of the wise
old philosophers, my thoughts are this: Even though you may think a
friendship is insignificant, do not underestimate your connection. It
may cross your mind to avoid the effort and ignore the petty
friendships, but I advise you not to. You never know, it may make
someone's day, like it did for me.

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